Welcome to
Grace Fellowship
A Reformed Baptist Church in Hazleton, PA
Hablas Espanol? Ver este sitio web en Español.
A Place To Call Home
Are you looking for a home church where you can grow closer to God, learn more about the Bible, and find a loving and supportive community of other Christian believers? Are you seeking a congregation with a variety of valuable ministries, wise spiritual guidance and oversight, and opportunities to get involved? Or are you simply wanting to learn more about who God is and what being a Christian is all about? Whatever your story, whatever your needs, and whoever you are—welcome to Grace Fellowship Church.

We are a Reformed Baptist congregation in Hazleton, PA who are serious about the gospel and sincerely love the truth of God’s word. We have worship services in English as well as Spanish (with free translation available), along with Sunday school, prayer meetings, and many other ministry events to get involved in. There’s a lot going on at our church, and we’d love for you to be a part of it!
We’re located at 27 Pecora Blvd in Hazle Township, PA (see the map below for details). We’d love to meet you and get to know you, so please join us for worship this Sunday!
Our Mission Statement
Grace Fellowship Church exists to glorify God by EXALTING the Lord, EQUIPPING the Church, and EVANGELIZING the world.

Our worship is foremost Godward, exalting him and magnifying his name.

We are purposeful in equipping members to minister to others, that they might grow in Christ-likeness.

GFC is committed to praying and working to see God’s kingdom advance to the ends of the earth.
Our Pastor
Pastor Dave Thompson and his family have been a part of Grace Fellowship Church for nearly 20 years, with Pastor Dave ministering capably and compassionately in the office of elder since 2007. He has a degree in Pastoral Ministry, and prior to serving at Grace Fellowship, previously ministered as a pastor for 16 years with 3 other small congregations. Through his early pastoral work, he developed an interest in Reformed doctrine, and grew more fully in his understanding under the preaching and teaching here at Grace Fellowship. He now serves as Lead Pastor, and preaches most Sundays at our English-language service. He is married to Charletta and they have 11 children and 16 grandkids. His hobbies include drone flying, and drone photography.

Recent Sermons

Sermons from Grace Fellowship Church | Hazleton, PA
Adoctados Como Hijos
Series / Serie: Romanos
Preacher / Predicador: Leonido Garcia
Servicio de Adoracion en Espanol
Date: 23rd March 2025
Passage: Romans 8:14-17
El Pastor Leonido Garcia Nos Predico En Romanos 8:14-17 Tiene Cuatro Puntos
1) Adoctados Como Hijos
2)No Somos Esclavos
3)Somos Certificados
4)Somos Herederos De Dios