Worship & Other Services
At Grace Fellowship Church, we believe that worship is an instinctive response to beholding greatness. When we as human beings see something truly great, amazing, excellent, or praiseworthy, we naturally respond with worship. The wonder, the excitement, and the passion we feel for God are all part of what true biblical worship is.
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.” -John 4:23
This is why we define worship as “Seeing and savoring the character and works of God as revealed in His Word.” It’s not enough to simply KNOW things about God in an informational sense only. Rather, we must LOVE God with all our heart and all our mind and all our strength if we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
We hope that you will join us in giving God the glory He so richly deserves!
Sunday Morning Worship Service – 10AM
Join us for our congregational worship service every Sunday morning at 10am. We will sing God’s praise, pray to Him for ourselves and for our world, and hear His Word as it is preached to us. There are no light shows, no fog machines, no artificial hype or entertainment. Instead, we hold forth the unvarnished Word of God. By focusing on what the Bible says rather than on human effort, we can avoid being distracted and better see who God is and what He has done. We believe such things are a foretaste of heaven, where we our worship will know no bounds.
Our 10am service is in English. Live Spanish translation services are provided free of charge via wireless headsets. Words are projected via projector at the front as well as hymnals in the pew backs. Extra bibles are available.
Oh, and before you go, stop by our Welcome table! We would love to get to know you and to give you a little welcome gift as a thanks for visiting our church!
Sunday School for All Ages
Bible study isn’t just for kids; it’s a lifelong pursuit for all Christians. We believe that a deep knowledge of God’s word is essential for life, and equips us for ministry to others as well. We don’t study the Bible out of pressure or obligation, but out of a sincere love for God and for His truth.
Here are all of the classes we offer as well as where they meet:
- Ages 2 through Kindergarten – Classroom D (downstairs)
- 1st-3rd grades – Classroom B (downstairs)
- 4th-6th grades – Classroom A (downstairs)
- 7th-12th grades – Training Room (upstairs)
- Adults – Sanctuary (upstairs)
- Adults in Spanish – Fellowship Hall (downstairs)
Lord’s Supper ServiceS
Join us on the 2nd Sunday of each month for our Bilingual Lord’s Supper Service in the Sanctuary, followed by a Potluck Meal in the Fellowship Hall. This special bilingual service includes song, prayer, the preaching of the Word, and an observance of the Lord’s Supper in both Spanish and English.
The Lord’s Supper is also observed on the fourth Sunday of each month at our 10am English service, and on the final Sunday of each month at our 1pm Spanish service.
The Lord’s Supper portion of our service focuses on the sacrifice of Christ for the forgiveness of sins. This is an important expression of our faith, in accordance with our belief that salvation for sinners is by the grace of God and through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions about joining us for these services, please do not hesitate to contact the church office: [email protected].
(Bilingual) Corporate Prayer
Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm from May through November as we gather weekly in our Corporate Prayer Meeting. This is an opportunity for all to come and pray about the needs of the body and our community, as well as to seek the Lord in prayer together as a church.
On the first Wednesday of each month (year round), we have a special Bilingual Corporate Prayer Meeting. Translation is provided during our sharing time, and you may feel free to pray in either language. Many have commented that our bilingual prayer meetings are a particular joy. They enable us to connect with our brothers & sisters in Christ, regardless of language barrier, and to be united in prayer alongside them.
Children’s Wednesday Night Classes are held in the Sunday school classrooms for preschool through high school aged children during the prayer meeting.
Growth Groups
From December through April, we take a break from our weekly Corporate Prayer meetings to be involved in small group Bible studies called Growth Groups. These Growth Groups provide a time for small group discussion and an in-depth time of prayer in members’ homes and at the church. We continue to come together for Bilingual Corporate Prayer on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the year.
Growth Groups are also a great way to get to know others in the congregation. Feel free to speak to an elder for more information about joining one of our Wednesday-night groups today!