Church Membership
Church membership is a crucial pursuit of the Christian life. God’s stated purpose on earth is to build His Church, which even the gates of hell will not be able to withstand. By becoming a member, you are making a public statement about your faith in Christ and becoming part of the visible church. This serves as a witness to the world and brings glory to God.
But it goes deeper than that. All Christians are family, but church members are like family who live in the same house. By committing to this church, you are also committing to being an active part of the life of our congregation. In addition, you will be able to receive more individualized shepherding from your pastor and elders, who will know you better just as you know them.
Want to learn more about becoming a member of our church? We encourage you to contact us today.

“…The household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.” -1 Timothy 3:15
Why should I join a church?
A survey of the New Testament shows even early Christians were identifying as members of particular churches. Not only was there to be appropriate church discipline, but elders were exorted to tend the flock of God (1 Peter 5:2). These things would not be possible if there was no such thng as membership.
What kind of church should I join?
It is of the utmost importance that Christians become members of churches that are faithful to God’s Word.
According to Mark Dever of 9 Marks, we should look for churches “that reflect the character of God.” He offers an excellent summary of characteristics to look for on his website,
How do I know what this church believes?
Explore and ask questions! Read about our doctrinal standards on our Beliefs page. Talk to the pastor or an elder. Or contact us to request participation in a GFC Membership Class. Seek the truth, and you will find it!
How do I know I am ready to join a church?
When you have been saved, you are to become a member of a church. It’s that simple! There is nothing gained by waiting. Find a church that you feel comfortable with, get involved, and trust God with the rest. Remember that nothing is gained for the kingdom by waiting indefinitely.
How do I join Grace Fellowship Church?
Following Membership Class, you will have the opportunity to apply for membership. All members must share a church-wide testimony of God’s grace in your life. This not only fulfils the commandment to confess your faith verbally and publically (Romans 10:10), but is also an encouargement to all of your brothers and sisters in the congregation. We also require that unbaptized individuals be be baptized by immersion, as Christ commanded (Mark 16:16).