Children & Teens
Bringing up children is hard. But teaching them to love and worship God in the midst of a culture like ours that loves and worships entertainment is even harder. And we want to help.
As a church body, we are committed to raising up the next generation of genuine worshippers and Christ-followers. We do this with solid Biblical teaching and instruction, as well as genuine love for the little ones in our midst. We teach, we train, we instruct, and we pray earnestly for every child we have the privilege of getting to know. As Jesus once said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:16)

“You shall teach [these words that I command you] diligently to your children.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7a
We encourage families to do the hard work of bringing their kids of all ages and stages to join the assembled people of God in worship on Sundays.
Being present in the worship service from an early age gives our kids a faithfully consistent exposure to the worship, Word, and sacraments. Our kids gain an appreciation for the varied hymns of the faith, and come to know the lyrics by heart as they grow. They experience the reading of the Word of God aloud, week by week, as believers have faithfully done down through history. They hear the men of the congregation taking turns leading in prayer, and testimonies of new believers who are joining the church. They watch with interest and curiosity as the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper are observed. And they process gradually more and more of the sermon content as they grow, never being “talked down to,” but rather being encouraged to chew on solid doctrine from a young age.
We strive to serve and bless parents of young ones by providing a safe and comfortable nursery environment for infants and toddlers while parents participate in corporate worship. Our nursery is equipped for children under 2. We pray this is a blessing for parents as they seek to be spiritually nurtured during these busy years when their children are very young.
We offer a separate room for nursing mothers and babies to provide privacy, and several diaper-changing stations throughout the building.
Our children’s Sunday school program is for all ages and stages, age 2 through high school. Our youngest class makes use of activities geared for preschoolers, including crafts, action songs, and Bible stories. Elementary schoolers enjoy challenging material at their age-level that progresses through the books of the Bible, as they grow. Our middle and high schoolers are challenged to be in the Word, and study and discuss various passages and themes together. They are encouraged to apply the Bible to their daily lives, and to see it as their guide in the increasing complexities of life.
Ages 2 through 6th grade Sunday school classes follow an excellent curriculm from Great Commission Publications complete with in-class activity sheets, and take-home devotionals for the older grades. Grades 7-12 focus on Bible study and lively discussion from God’s Word. Sunday school classes are located throughout the facility:
- Ages 2 through Kindergarten—Classroom D
- 1st-3rd grades—Classroom B
- 4th-6th grades—Classroom A
- 7th-12th grades—Training Room
GFC Youth Group is an opportunity for middle and high schoolers to hang out, build friendships, have challenging discussions about how the Bible relates to real-world issues, be encouraged to make their faith their own, and just have fun together. On Wednesday nights, the Youth Group gathers around the conference room table for a time of prayer and Bible study. Once a month, Youth Group meets for a fun social event, such as a party, a service project, a game night, or a field trip. Each year, our Youth Group also takes a weekend off to go to Camp Susque together. This is always an incredible time for making memories and being challenged to grow in faith. It’s our prayer that we may help these young men and women launch out from GFC into their college and career years, equipped to live for the Lord.

Families today are bombarded with virtually unlimited weeknight options for their kids. Between piano lessons, soccer practice, and scouting programs, it’s challenging to fit everything in. At the same time, setting aside one night a week to gather for learning and fellowship with other believers is especially valuable. At GFC, we make time for this on Wednesday nights. For ages 2 through 6th grade, it’s called Kids’ Club—a fun and engaging time of learning and friendship. We keep it low-key, with a chance for the kids to share what’s been going on in their week. We have an interesting Bible discussion, and put special emphasis on teaching the kids to bring their praises & requests to God in prayer. This coincides with our adult prayer meetings, which are held at the same time.

What if our kids have the “wiggles” during church? It happens! Feel free to make use of our Training Room off the foyer. This space is equipped with video feed during the worship service, so it makes an ideal place to train little ones to sit & participate. We also have specially marked pews at the back of the sanctuary for parents of young kids who feel most comfortable sitting near the rear doors.
We encourage our congregation to heartily welcome our children, and give encouragement to their parents. GFC is a place where there is grace for the single mom of a stubborn toddler, the sleep-deprived dad of a fussy newborn, or the concerned parents of a wayward teen. How we as a church body welcome children at GFC directly affects their impressions of church, of believers, and of God himself, so we take to heart Jesus’ words in the gospel of Matthew as he commands, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
For older kids, we offer a Sunday morning resource called “Sermon Notes FOR KIDS.” It’s an opportunity for families to engage their children in a hands-on way during the sermon. So grab a pencil or a box of crayons, and check it out! It’s a pre-school through grade-school-geared printable that encourages kids to listen and interact with the sermon each Sunday. Double-sided (novice & advanced) makes it easy to accommodate older & younger kids alike. Space for the older children to take detailed notes, listening prompts for early readers, and a sermon-themed picture for the little ones to color. Kids can be encouraged to fill out their “Sermon Notes” in whatever style fits their developmental level, and it makes a great tool for family discussion after church. You’ll find copies of “Sermon Notes FOR KIDS” on the Welcome Table each Sunday. It’s a great resource for our families!
We have a space outfitted for special needs children. It is staffed only when needed, but please speak with a pastor or elder if you have special needs.