Other Ministries
Annual Church Picnic
Our annual church picnic is a great opportunity to to hang out, make new friends, and worship the Lord together! Every year we gather outdoors for fun, food & fellowship at LaRock Field in Sybertsville. You’ll find the church picnic a casual, relaxed environment to bring the whole family. LaRock Field has playground equipment for the little ones and picnic tables under a shady pavilion for those who want to relax while the grills are heating up. There are public restrooms available. Depending on the year, we may keep it simple, or have a few organized games for those feeling competitive after the meal. There’s plenty of space and the neighboring sports fields are a perfect place to spread out and grab a group to play volleyball or soccer in the early evening. Feel free to bring your favorite gear.

After the meal, we will convene for a brief time of singing bilingual worship songs (in both Spanish and English) and a family-style devotional. You can bring a comfy lawn-chair and your favorite beverages if you like. The church is provides the grilled main course for all, and members provide a side dish and/or dessert to share, so we always have enough for everyone who plans to join us. Check the church calendar and save the date for this fantastic summer event!

Work Day
Church Work Days are a wonderful opportunity to help care for and maintain the church building and grounds. We have two Work Days each year, one in the spring and one in the fall, and we always have plenty of cleaning, handyman tasks, painting, yardwork, and more that needs doing. Morning refreshments & a luncheon for all workers will be provided, so roll up your sleeves and get ready to be a blessing!
TNT Night
Our church’s premier exhibition of amazing (and not-so-amazing) abilities! Standing for “Talent / No-Talent,” our TNT nights are a guaranteed mix of beautiful performances and outright silliness. Some acts truly showcase the hidden talents of our brothers and sisters, and others…well, they’re entertaining, at least. 🙂
We often have a potluck before the event, and serve desserts during the event. Come for the laughs, stay for the cookies!

Additional Ministries
Missions & Outreach Activities
From time to time, our church participates in missions trips (such as to the Dominican Republic). And we desire to reach our local community with the gospel as well. Interested in serving or helping us spread the word? Get in touch!
Infant & toddler Nursery
We strive to serve and bless parents of young ones by providing a safe and comfortable nursery environment for infants and toddlers while parents participate in corporate worship. Our nursery is equipped for children under 2 and is staffed by women from the congregation who are church members. All nursery volunteers have completed their clearances.
SOnshine Ministry
Sometimes we all need a ray of sunshine in our lives. The Sonshine ministry exists to write cards of comfort, encouragement, and support to church members who are going through a difficult time. We’re always looking for more writers, so pick up a pen and get ready to be a blessing!
It may not be the most glamorous job in this list, but our kitchen can only stay clean, well stocked, organized through the efforts of the women who manage it. From checking supplies and serving food to laundering towels and washing dishes, the kitchen team does an excellent job of taking care of our much-needed and well-used facility!
College Care Packages
Moving out of town to college is hard, and can make one homesick. And we want to let our college students know we are supporting and praying for them! That’s why we send College Care Packages full of goodies, encouraging notes, and materials to help our young people mature spiritually while they are away at college.
Seasonal Decorations
From Christmas poinsettias to Easter lilies and everything in between, those in charge of seasonal decorations help make our building beautiful and point us to Christ in fresh new ways.
Sound Booth
For those among us who enjoy the technical side of things! Our soundbooth workers manage microphones, run livestreams, upload sermons, and more—all to enable the congregation to worship without distraction.
Those who excel at piano may enjoy joining our team of pianists who accompany the congregation in hymns and songs of worship. Other instrumentalists are also invited to participate as their skills and time allow.
Bilingual ministry is part and parcel of our work in Hazleton. Various volunteers help with translation, from simultaneous spoken interpretation during worship services and church meetings, to proofreading and checking written communication & publications.